Sunday, April 19, 2009

Response to Issue #2 Reflection assignment

I've gotten past issue number one and learned the basics, also learned my common mistakes. Now that issue number two is done, I've learned that my strengths were making sure my stories were done before starting up the layout week, and doing a good job with the layout structure. This time my page was cut out, due to lack of stories, so I had decided to help Bradley out with his page. I feel that the picture editing and placing I did was really good, it'll catch the attention of our FHS readers. I also think that the headlines were very appropriate and strong; the time that it took to think of them was well worth it.
Working with Bradley was difficult at times, but atleast my efforts helped him learn new stuff and hopefully taught him how to better work with the time provided, not just sitting around talking. In the end, I think his and my efforts are clearly shown and we got a great looking feature's page. My ability to work with him is a strength on both our sides because it shows that even though we argued a lot, we still worked as a team to correct all the mistakes shown by Ms. Mastin and our class peers.
My weaknesses for this second issue were text placing,proof reading. Text placing seemed to be a semi big issue for me because I kept having mistakes being pointed out about the paragraphs and how it should be even out. Plus I admitt that I had a hard time remembering the text requirements. The proof reading was also difficult for me because in my opinion I was bad at seaching for any punctual mistakes in the text. But I fixed some sentences easily when I knew they sounded wrong.
This upcoming issue, I plan to make an appropriate layout dummy so I can know where to place the text so that I can avoid having a hard time in deciding where to place the story. The next time we have group reading, where we read each others work, I'll make sure to do a better job in looking for punctual errors. If I do more of that then, hopefully it'll help limit the errors the story will have when I place them on my page.
Ways I will incorporate my strengths to solve my weaknesses is I can keep finishing my stories before deadline, giving me time to do a really good "possible" layout dummy. I'll think of headline's for my own stories so that it'll help out the person who gets my story on their page.
I'm looking foward to the third issue, and I'm actually hoping everyone gets their stories together on time so that we can move to layout making faster. Hopefully this last issue can run more smoothly and not go beyond any deadline.


  1. Nice. I hope your staff does its job too. I look forward to seeing your growth as a staff.

  2. I don't think ur headlines were all that great. . . just kidding but it can't be that bad working with Bradley. . . well maybe it can. Anyways you're really taking this Blog thing seriously you wrote a grip (get a life!!) Kidding again don't get mad.Peace!!!!! Oh yeah it says chill but it's shiloh. . . now peace.

  3. well i gotta say,i was really proud of you with this past issue,because you were one of the main one's that finished your stories on time and met the deadlines.

    oh and even how you helped out bradley,that was nice and sorry about your page getting cut, i didn't finish my stories.
    Keep up the good work=)

  4. hoo nahh kinda short ah your reflection.. anyways.. I LOVE YOU choke for listening to me outside of newswriting and being there for me =).. and thanks for helping me with the pictures for judo.. =) your AWESOME.. and i agree with your reflection..

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Sorry, made a mistake earlier.
    Anyways, I think it's good that you went through the whole process of "making the newspaper" to figure out exactly what your strengths and weaknesses were. Oh and good job putting up with Bradley, did he finally learn responsibility? haha just kidding. Well, keep up with the good work :)
